Wednesday, October 14, 2015

counting coin

Students will identify the value of coins and complete coin counting activities.
Main Curriculum Tie: 
Mathematics Grade 2
2.MD.C Work with time and money. 8.

Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Additional Resources
  • A Dollar for Penny, by Dr. Julie Glass; ISBN 0-439-32296-0
  • Pigs Will Be Pigs, by Amy Axelrod; ISBN 0-590-13213-X
  • Once Upon a Dime A Math Adventure, by Nancy Kelly Allen; ISBN 1-57091-161-4
  • The Coin Counting Book, by Rozanne Lanczak Willliams; ISBN 0-88106-325-8

Web Sites
Background For Teachers:
Before presenting this activity, it is recommended that counting by fives and tens be taught. Already having mastery of these skills will contribute to your students’ success with this activity. Step four of this activity may be done as a whole class activity or as small group centers.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
5. Understand and use basic concepts and skills.
6. Communicate clearly in oral, artistic, written, and nonverbal form.
Instructional Procedures:
Invitation to Learn
Read The Coin Counting Book.
Instructional Procedures
  1. Prepare the chalkboard or a poster that has problems written in large bold print, duplicating the problems on Counting Coins worksheet.
  2. Point out that in the book, we read about how to count and add coins. We also saw many pennies traded for fewer coins that were worth more. For example, 25 pennies were traded for one quarter. Explain that for the next activity, the students will practice their money counting skills.
  3. Hold up a bag/bank/pocket with coins in it. Invite one student to the front of the room. Have him/her pull a coin from the pocket. Ask students to name the coin and tell you its value. Fill in the first two blanks on the chalkboard with the correct value. Ask students for an idea of how to figure out the value of two of that same coin. Students may offer strategies such as counting on, using tools, drawing a picture, using their fingers, and using their memory of the addition fact. Accept all strategies. Repeat this step.
  4. Invite another student to roll a coin cube and hold up a large visual depicting the coin rolled. Ask students to identify the name of the coin and the value. Fill in the blanks on the chalkboard as you guide the class to tell you what to write. Repeat this step.
  5. Pass out the Counting Coins worksheet to each student and a coin cube to each pair/group of students. Explain that they will be tossing the cube once for each problem on the page. After the first roll, they should record the value of the coin rolled in the first and second spaces, then add the values to reach a sum. Encourage students to use coins or other manipulatives if they need to in order to add the amounts correctly.
  6. When students finish their Counting Coins worksheet, invite them to share their sums with the class. As they share, ask them if they could make the same sum with (a) different coin(s). Help them model with magnetic money/money visuals/overhead money; let the rest of the class use coins to practice.

  • Reread The Coin Counting Book. Pass out coin manipulatives to each student (Each student needs at least 25 pennies, five nickels, two dimes, and one quarter). Read the book aloud and have the students model the instructions in the book with their coins. Invite them to count out loud and point at the coins as they do so.
    They will be adding pennies and trading them for larger coins. Read only up to the 15th page. The final pages of the book deal with counting collections to make 50¢ and a dollar. (This extension is perfect for advanced students to continue their learning.)
  • Create a concentration/memory game that requires the students to match collections of coins with their sums.
  • Add a “pocket” to your calendar discussion every day. Have a pocket with similar coins that the students retrieve and count to make sums up to 25¢.
  • Provide coin stamps/stickers to students in a center. Invite them to create collections of their own and write the total value in a math sentence. Using the Pocket Pattern for Collections Book, combine all of the pages created by the students and bind them to make a class book.
  • Play a counting coins game. Put a bowl of coins in the middle of each table/group. Provide each group with a number cube. Students take turns rolling the cube. Each time the cube is rolled, every member of the group adds that many pennies to their personal pile. When they have enough to trade for a larger coin, they do so (e.g., five pennies are traded for one nickel; two nickels are traded for one dime). This is one activity you can assess by walking around and observing students as they play. Try giving them a time limit. When time is up, have each group tell what sum they made with which coins. You could even play this like musical chairs. When the music stops, they share their sums.
  • Use a Variation on The Pocket Song. Instead of singing about one coin, students take a given value and decide how many coins would be in the pocket to make a certain amount of cents.
  • Use the Variation on The Pocket Song to make a class book. Collaborative groups find all of the different ways to make a given value. Record them in the song and illustrate with stamps / stickers / student drawings.
  • Make your own practice pages using
  • Play a game with the Palm Pockets. Supply students with Palm PocketsPalm Pocket Cards , and manipulatives. List two coins and ask them to figure out the total, placing the correct cards in the pocket. Then, give them the signal to show.
  • Differentiate for advanced learners by inviting them to make collections totaling up to one dollar or more.
  • Set up a classroom store. Place price tags on various objects and have students calculate how much money they will need to buy certain objects. You might choose to have the objects be school supplies/rewards that they can buy, and pass out paper coins as an incentive program.
  • Write about the collections you count as a class for interactive writing.
  • Encourage the students to write their own stories about adding money. Provide them with stamps/stickers to help them illustrate their published work.
Family Connections
  • Write a note home to parents asking them to take out their“pocket change” each evening for a week and invite their child to count the coins all together or in collections. You may leave this up to the parents or advise the parents, based on their child’s understanding and mastery of counting coins.
  • Send the class book of coin collections home with each child, over the space of a month, to let the students share their work and knowledge with their families.
  • Send home a page/activity/assignment that aligns with your assessment choice. Ask parents to practice with their child as a final practice before the assessment.

Assessment Plan:
  • Meet with students one on one or in small groups. Give them coins of the same type totaling 25¢ or less and ask them to add them. This type of assessment allows you to actually see their strategies and comfort/confidence level as they count the coins.
  • Provide an assessment that shows coin addition sentences and asks students to count the collection and write the sum (Count These Coins worksheet).
  • Invite students to write to you about the different collections they know how to make up to 25¢ using like coins.

written by: Riza Y. Flaviano

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fun with Numbers

Fun with Numbers

Teacher's objectives and Students Evaluation

Lesson:   At the end of the activities, the child should be able to:
1. tell the number of objects in a set (from 11 to 20)
2. write 11 to 20 in numerals and number words

Numerals 11 to 20

Guide:  Whenever a situation arises wherein a child does something praiseworthy, announce to the class, "Let's give (name of child) (a number from eleven to twenty) claps!: have them count as they clap.

                                                   These are the Numerals 11 to 20.  Let's study them!

11 - eleven                         16 - sixteen
12 - twelve                         17 - seventeen
13 - thirteen                      18 - eighteen
14 - fourteen                     19 - nineteen
15 - fifteen                         20 - twenty

  Encircle enough pictures to match each number word.



                                                                                                                   Maigue, Geonalyn R.
                                                                                                                            BEEd III

Solving Life's Problems Through Math

Solving life's problems through math

Teacher's Objectives and Students Evaluation

Lesson At the end of the activities the child should be able to:

1. understand the concept of addition and identify the parts of an addition sentence
2. understand and answer addition stories and sentences


Guide:  Try the following variations of The Boat is Sinking: a) Instead of shouting numbers, you shout addition sentences (for example, you may shout "Two plus tree?"and the children must group themselves into five; b) You write addition sentences on the board; c) You draw addition stories on the board; and; d) You use a mix of a previous methods randomly.

Addition is putting together two or more numbers. We use the plus sign (+) in addition. Let's study this addition story!

We say:  Three plus two equals five.
We write: 3   +   2    =    5     or         3
                                                      +    2

                                                                                                                           Daza, Lyn P.
                                                                                                                             BEEd III

Math is all around us

Math is all around us

Teacher's Objectives and Student Evaluation

Lesson: At the end of the activities the child should be able to:

1. identify the shapes of objects
2. draw the basic shapes
3. tell whether or not a shape is a polygon
4. name the various polygon

Basic Shape

Guide: Show the children actual objects that represent the different shapes. Have them trace the outline of each object with their fingers. Then have them look for things inside the classroom that have the same shape as that object.

These are the basic shapes, Let's study them!

   Circle - a shape with no straight sides.

 Oblong - a shape which may have no straight sides and is long in one direction.

   Triangle - a shape with three (3) sides.

   Square - a shape with four (4) equal sides.

  Rectangle - a shape with two long sides and two short sides.

Quiz No. 1

Direction:  Color the shapes as indicates.

rectangle ---  red                                                    square --- orange
                                      oblong --- yellow
triangle --- green                                                   circle --- blue





                                                                                                  Aloc, Lesell S.
                                                 BEEd III

Mathematics: Whole Numbers

Mathematics : Whole Numbers

The set of whole numbers include the natural numbers and 0. 

Natural number, also called counting numbers, are 1, 2, 3, 4...There are other types of numbers.These are integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers.We will not cover these here, we will only focus on whole numbers in this unit, but be aware that they exist.Everybody counts, add or subtract on a daily basis from the time we started counting toys on the floor when we were 2 or 3 years old to when we count the cost of our groceries.A child counting cubes for instance may want to know how many cubes the following set has:

4 cubes
When we count, we use a number to represent a quantity. A number is an idea that we use to represent that quantityWe write the numbers down using symbols and these are called numerals.The numeral that we use to represent the set above is   4.When using numbers to count how many elements a set has, it is referred to as cardinal numbersFor instance, 4 or four is a cardinal number.Besides counting how many elements a set has, we use numbers to order objects :Our team is second in group A.I am fifty-sixth in line.The first president of the United States is George Washington.Numbers used in this way are called ordinal numbers.For example, first, second, and fifty-sixth are ordinal numbers.For cardinal numbers, we can use the symbol n(A) to represent the number of elements in a finite set AFor example, the set made of cubes has 4 elements. We can write n(cubes) = 4If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, n(A) = 6Physical representations of numbersCubes can be used to represent numbers

 1 cube: physical representation of 1
1 cube = 1

1 long : physical representation of 10 Made of 10 cubes.
1 long = 10 cubes  = 10

1 flat : physical representation of 100 Made of 100 cubes.
1 flat  = 100 cubes  = 100

 1 block: physical representation of 1000 Made of 1000 cubes.
1 block  = 1000 cubes  = 1000
Let's say you have 4 blocks, 8 flats, 5 longs, and 8 cubes. What number is this?1 block represents 1000, so 4 blocks represent 40001 flat represents 100, so 8 flats represent 8001 long represents 10, so 5 longs represent 501 cube represents 1, so 8 cubes represent 84000 + 800 + 50 + 8 = 4858Knowing about operations with numbers can be an invaluable tool as we go about our daily routine.My goal is to help you discover the similarities among addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Before knowing how to add, subtract, multiply and so forth, it is important to understand place value.

Khorina G. Nava
Prof. Ed 7b Student



             It is believed that Ancient Egyptians used complex mathematics such as algebra, arithmetic and geometry as far back as 3000 BC, such as equations to approximate the area of circles.Babylonians measured the circumference of a circle as approximately 3 times the diameter, which is fairly close to today’s measurement which uses the value of Pi (around 3.14).Chinese mathematics developed around the 11th century BC and included important concepts related to negative numbers, decimals, algebra and geometry.Greek mathematics developed from around the 7th century BC, producing many important theories thanks to great mathematicians such as Pythagoras, Euclid and Archimedes.The Hindu-Arabic numeral system began developing as early as the 1st century with a full system being established around the 9th century, forming the basis of the numerical digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 that we use today.

                The symbols used for addition (+) and subtraction (-) have been around for thousands of years but it wasn't until the 16th century that most mathematical symbols were invented. Before this time math equations were written in words, making it very time consuming.The equals sign (=) was invented in 1557 by a Welsh mathematician named Robert Recorde.Mathematical developments increased rapidly around the time of the Italian Renaissance in the 16th century and continued through the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries, becoming increasingly abstract in the 19th and 20th centuries.

            The basic arithmetic operations used in mathematics are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.Modern mathematics has advanced greatly thanks to the incredible computing power of today’s computers.These days mathematics is important in many different types of jobs, including those related to engineering, business, science, medicine and more.

Written by: 
Anabelle Abesamis

All About Mathematics

A kind of subject that a big portion of a students hate this in the class. Numbers, Counting, Solving equations, all of those are imparted of this specific subject and everyone hate it, literally. But have you ever notice that mathematics helps us in our daily lives? We cannot live without MATH and that a certain fact. We hate the process of learning it but we still using it in our daily routines, for example did you ever imagine or have you done it before waking up in the morning without looking at the clock knowing what time is it? some of us will say YES but 85% of people will say NO because people will never be aware to Time, Days, Months or Years without Numbers in their lives. 

There are instances that when I was still in elementary during our snack time our teacher always pick some of my classmates to play some show card games, each two teams has a five members and the leader of the team while standing in front is the one whose holding the flashcards, a cards that has equations to be solve by his teammates, the other members are standing at the back and will solve the problem, the one who got the correct answer will jump and jump until they got the finish line. That is our class's favorite game but the truth is not for me because I never joined in that particular game not because its boring but because I am afraid of numbers. In that early age I already know that I HATE MATH. I graduated in elementary knowing that fact and my teacher doesn't ever notice it.

Why do i have to say this? its because for us as a FUTURE MODERN TEACHER, to open our mind that if we are already a teacher it should be a kind of teacher that will see the transparency of her students not just only in their excellency but also in their deficiency. "Fear in a certain subject will change the mind of the student to learn" We not hate math, we hate numbers, we are afraid to numbers that is the main problem because that is a kind of learning that are imparted of traditional way of teaching "the feeling being afraid in numbers" "Na kapag Math na, Ay hala zero nanaman ako nito" that's our first thought because we are not being taught to appreciate, to love and to enjoy mathematics we are taught to get panic when we hear the word mathematics. As a future modern teacher it is our duty now to change it as of the changes in  the curriculum it should also change our way of teaching, imparting and contributing knowledge of learning to our students because we are not the traditional teacher who just brought knowledge to everyone but we are the future modern teacher that will teach them to love and enjoy the learning process in mathematics with the help of technologies and innovative strategies in a way of teaching.

Written by:
Shailina Mae Estremera